a Merchants Packages - 543 Konse Konse

Merchant Packages


Account type

Transactional value per day

Balance limit on account

KYC requirements

Agent K300,000 K1,000,000 - A copy of NRC or Passport
- Agent Picture
- Proof of residence as either:
  (i) Utility bill in Agent or Agent's company name
  (ii) Title deed
  (iii) Stamped letter from the Bank

Commercial No Limit No Limit - PACRA Registration document
- Current Lease Agreement or letter from the bank as proof of residence

- NRCs or passports of all directors
Corporate No Limit No Limit - PACRA Registration document
- Current Lease Agreement or letter from the bank as proof of residence

- NRCs or passports of all directors
- Board Resolution authorising opening of Agent Account

- Signed Agreement with cGrate




Airtime Sales Discounts
Network Provider Upfront Discount earned (%)
MTN 3.50%
Airtel 2.80%
Zamtel 4.50%



Chaopena Airtime Discounts Bonus (Sell more Airtime earn more discounts)
Min Monthly Value Max Monthly Value Total Discount Earned
- K14,999.00 0%
22,500.00 29,999.00 3.75%
30,000.00 44,999.00 4.25%
45,000.00 250,000.00 4.75%



Description Basic
TAP POS Machine price K3,750
Bluetooth Printer K850
DStv 1%
GOtv 1%
Topstar 1%
Zesco 1%
Liquid Telecom 5%
MLife 3%
POS Paper Free
Machine Repairs As per quote



Transaction Amount (K) Transaction Fee (K) Mobile Money Transaction Levy (K) Total Fees (K)
Between 1 to 150 5 0.08 5.08
Between 150 to 300 5 0.1 5.1
Between 300 to 500 5 0.2 5.2
Between 500 to 1,000 5 0.5 5.5
Between 1,000 to 3,000 5 0.8 5.8
Between 3,000 to 5,000 5 1 6
Between 5,000 to 1,0000 5 1.5 6.5
Above 10,000 5 1.8 6.8


543 Konse Konse
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543 is a product of cGrate Zambia